Bead Shack is one of the longest standing & largest beads shop in Australia!

Splitring Tweezer & Jumpring Opener

$7.20 AUD
Tax included, shipping and discounts calculated at checkout.

Save your fingernails from certain death using this compact tool!  Great for a traveling beading kit.  Sometimes size really doesn't matter!  The end of the tweezer has a bend in it, which you place between the rings.  Squeeze the tool closed, and the ring will separate so that you can add your attachments.  Then slip the tweezer out again to let the splitring close again. 

The jumpring opener is the 2 slots on the side of the tool.  Pop your jumpring halfway into the slot, with the opening of the ring just on the outside of the slot.  Twist your wrist (either one) and the ring will open.  You can add your attachments and use the tool in reverse to close, if there is enough room after your additions.

Made in China.